
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Trailer Exchange

My trailer was featured on The Trailer Showcase through The Indie Exchange today. Check it out!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Today's Accomplishment - Aug 2, 2012

I just hit a milestone and finished 70k words in my new novel Maggie Maddock and the Witches of Dark Root. I feel like everything is lined up and I am sliding into home plate..or is that onto home plate? Can you tell I didn't play baseball? I did glance up at the TV occasionally while my husband watched baseball so I can fake a few terms.

Super excited to wrap this one up. Loving the story so far. A group of sisters with magical abilities need to fix their own relationship, as well as their relationship with their mother, and embrace their witchy powers, in order to save the town, and possibly the world. Set in the fictitious town of Dark Root, OR.

Fun, Fun to write!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Song for Trailer

To everyone wanting to know the name of the song on the trailer. It is entitled Whirl by Wiretree. Great band. After listening to a few more of their tracks I decided to buy up everything they put out :).